Omikuji is meant as a replacement for the fortune and strfile programs. Omikuji consists of two programs: omikuji and omifile.
Omifile parses a delimited text file, the same format used by the traditional strfile and fortune, and produces a binary file. This binary file is composed of a header, two indexes, and the textual entries from the input file. For more information on the file formats supported by omikuji and omifile, see format.html.
Omikuji reads the file output by omifile and uses the information in the header and indexes to lookup and display a "fortune."
Omikuji currently depends on Glib-2.0. The binaries will not build unless Glib-2.0 is installed. The Makefile uses pkg-config to find Glib-2.0. If you have installed Glib-2.0 from a package or port, then it should be automatically detected. If not, then you will likely need to install pkg-config as well.
The omikuji source code is currently available on github.
You can also download distribution tarballs of the versioned releases here.
Quote provided by omikuji:
A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any other invention, with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila. --Mitch Ratcliffe
omikuji is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, or later.